Place value in decimals (up to thousandths) Welcome to your Place value in decimals (up to thousandths) Quiz Please click "Next" Email Determine the place value of the digit In the decimal 4.05 the number 5 represents hundredths tenths ones None Determine the place value of the digit In the decimal 56.001 the number 6 represents thousandths ones tenths None Determine the place value of the digit Which number in the decimal 10.605 represents tenths? 10 5 6 None Determine the place value of the digit In the decimal 200.001 the number 1 represents thousands thousandths hundreds None Determine the place value of the digit The decimal 0.324 should be read as three hundred and twenty four hundredths zero wholes and three hundred and twenty four thousandths zero holes and three hundred and twenty four None Time's up